Britney made me do this.
She pulled me into public venting -- one minute at a time during Thursday's edition of Primetime. She pushed me over the edge into Blogdom.
Who the HELL is her PR person? And why did they unleash her into the world without using electroshock therapy to eradicate the word "EW" from her vocabulary before ever allowing her to again speak in public?
Diane: "Britney ... you had a really tough year this year. A year that would have tested even the strongest of people."
(P.S. "A tough year" consists of your boyfriend dumping you and people in Mexico City who paid 2 million pesos for your show booing you once you cut the show off early. Diane -- I'm disappointed!!! What happened to your hard ass? Someone get me Dr. Phil. Or Donahue. Judge Judy?Someone!)
Britney: EW!! I don't like how I'm starting to cry, Diane! EW! Oh, can we stop the interview? EW! EW! EW!
Diane: Britney, have you ever done drugs?
Britney: Drugs? Like, tried them? EW!! No. I've experimented, but EW! No, that's not for me.
I want to love you Brit, I do. You make me want great abs. But, EW. I just can't.
In other news .... another person who pushed me into public venting. Estella ... Trista's evil brunette stepsister who's vying for Bob the Bachelor's heart. (Is it just me, or could Bob the Batchelor play an elf at the mall?) Anyway, when Bob asked her to accept a rose. She replied:
"You better BELIZE it."
Yes, people. That's an actual line. I'm not even trying to purposely defame her. You better BELIZE it.
A feeble attempt to keep everything thematic from their romantic date in Belize. And he laughed and giggled and liked it! AGHHHH!
There's no hope for men. Her nipples were perky, and he went for it.
She pulled me into public venting -- one minute at a time during Thursday's edition of Primetime. She pushed me over the edge into Blogdom.
Who the HELL is her PR person? And why did they unleash her into the world without using electroshock therapy to eradicate the word "EW" from her vocabulary before ever allowing her to again speak in public?
Diane: "Britney ... you had a really tough year this year. A year that would have tested even the strongest of people."
(P.S. "A tough year" consists of your boyfriend dumping you and people in Mexico City who paid 2 million pesos for your show booing you once you cut the show off early. Diane -- I'm disappointed!!! What happened to your hard ass? Someone get me Dr. Phil. Or Donahue. Judge Judy?Someone!)
Britney: EW!! I don't like how I'm starting to cry, Diane! EW! Oh, can we stop the interview? EW! EW! EW!
Diane: Britney, have you ever done drugs?
Britney: Drugs? Like, tried them? EW!! No. I've experimented, but EW! No, that's not for me.
I want to love you Brit, I do. You make me want great abs. But, EW. I just can't.
In other news .... another person who pushed me into public venting. Estella ... Trista's evil brunette stepsister who's vying for Bob the Bachelor's heart. (Is it just me, or could Bob the Batchelor play an elf at the mall?) Anyway, when Bob asked her to accept a rose. She replied:
"You better BELIZE it."
Yes, people. That's an actual line. I'm not even trying to purposely defame her. You better BELIZE it.
A feeble attempt to keep everything thematic from their romantic date in Belize. And he laughed and giggled and liked it! AGHHHH!
There's no hope for men. Her nipples were perky, and he went for it.